6 lessons learned from announcing you’re Open to Work

A Key Step Towards Your Dream Job

The power of announcing you’re open to work

In today’s competitive job market, standing out with the right personal brand can significantly impact the number of inbound opportunities you receive. It can shape your career trajectory.

When you are open to work, one effective way to stand out is by openly declaring your status through LinkedIn. While this may seem like a bold move, and even daunting, it can be a game-changer that propels you towards your dream job. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s important to announce you’re open to work in an intelligent and how it can positively influence your career.

1. Spark conversations that multiply

Announcing your availability for new opportunities is like casting a wider net in the sea of professional connections. A clever open to work declaration can spark conversations that multiply like wild fire and lead to your dream job. Your extended network, friends of friends, and acquaintances may have connections and leads that align perfectly with your career goals. But they need to know your are “open” first. After all, if they don’t know you are looking, they can’t help.

2. Access roles before they go public

Hiring managers and recruiters are always looking for exceptional talent. They are constantly thinking about the problems they face and formulating the view of the people they need to solve them. They have their recruitment roadmap constantly bubbling and are ready to reach out if they stumble across the right talent. With your post exposed to hiring managers, you could find yourself on a concealed path for a position not yet advertised publicly. Yes, you have tapped in to the hidden job market which leads to a less competitive and swifter hiring process for all parties involved.

3. Leverage the power of the personal connection

Personal connections carry a greater weight than you might expect. When you publish your open to work announcement, incoming personal leads that you receive leave you better placed. Through a referral, you enter the race with “the personal connection advantage”, plus you have turned the tables. They’ve called you – giving you a slight upper hand.

4. Showcase your initiative and confidence

Making a public announcement that you’re open to work demonstrates your proactive approach to your career. It showcases your confidence in your skills and your readiness to take on new challenges. Employers are drawn to candidates who exhibit initiative, as it reflects a courageous work ethic and a genuine desire to contribute to their teams. Your open to work post must however present you in a positive light that differentiates yourself from others.

5. Leveraging the power of social media

Social media platforms have transformed the way we communicate, and they’re equally impactful in the job search process. Posting about your job search on platforms like LinkedIn can reach a vast audience of professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters. The impressions (no.of views) is always greater than the engagements. Craft a thoughtful and engaging post outlining your skills, experience, and the type of role you’re seeking and in turn, this increases the likelihood of your post being shared, expanding your reach even further.

6. Tailored Opportunities Come Your Way

When you announce your openness to new opportunities, you have the opportunity to define the kind of role you’re looking for. This allows you to attract job offers that closely align with your goals and aspirations. Instead of settling for any job that comes your way, you can be selective and choose the roles that truly excite you and align with your values.


In a world where opportunities are abundant but often hard to win, announcing that you’re open to work can be a pivotal step towards landing your dream job. It’s more than just a declaration; it’s an active approach to shaping your career destiny. By expanding your network, tapping into hidden job markets, showcasing your initiative, you position yourself as a proactive and confident candidate who’s ready to take on new challenges. So, don’t hesitate to make your announcement – your next career breakthrough might be just around the corner. But when you do announce it, do it brilliantly.

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