AI empowers your authentic voice

Does using AI to bolster your writing abilities diminish authenticity, or does it serve as a valuable ally in helping you present your true self to the world?

In today’s digital age, expressing ourselves through the written word is more important than ever. Whether you’re a passionate blogger, a budding author, or simply someone who needs to articulate their thoughts and ideas in the work place, the immense power the written word holds can’t be denied. But unfortunately, not every one has the gift to externalized their authentic self in a way they would like to.

For many, translating their inner thoughts to paper does not always turn out the way they want. In this post we address the key question of authenticity. Does using AI to bolster your writing abilities diminish authenticity, or does it serve as a valuable ally in helping you present your true self to the world?

AI is only an assistant

Whether writing provides difficulties for you or you just want to express yourself better, AI can act as transformative force.

It can be used to externalize your inner voice, into written words, in a way that best represents you.

Make no mistake about it, AI is about input and about output. The AI is the output, but your authentic self is the input.

For decades world leaders, CEO’s of top companies, and best selling authors have been using ghost writers. No one challenges the authenticity of their work. So consider AI as the ghost writer, a personalized writing assistant where it is your creativity, your ideas, and your individuality that fuels the input.

Customize for Authenticity

AI can be trained to mimic your unique writing style, tone, and voice. However, we all know that we can manipulate input to create an output in a far fetched style of someone that does not represent us. To remain authentic, it is important to customize your input to ensure the content produced reflects your personality and values. This way you’ll remain authentic and your audience will connect regardless of the medium you choose.

Your actions define you

Do you want to become that person that is known to delivers solutions? Then use AI.

10 years ago, before the inception of the open-AI revolution, when discussing the importance of a good education with my 8 year old daughter, she replied, “Why do I need geography when I have google maps, why to I need sport when I have the Nintedo Wii, and why do I need history when I have wikki. While I wasn’t immediately convinced by her response, she was able to provide me with answers to difficult questions I posed in seconds. I saw her as resourceful and creative. She used advance tech to deliver answers fast. Remember, line managers and clients want solutions to problems. If tech helps you do this, then harness its power.

AI is the new you

The saying “You are what you do” found in various forms throughout literature, philosophy, and self-help practices, is a common piece of wisdom that aligns with the idea that a person is chareacterized through the actions they take. .

In today’s world, where AI tools have become indispensable, the more you use them, the more integrated they become in your natural skill set. Whether you’re leveraging tools like ChatGPT, Dall-E, Salesforce, or Canva, they enable you to do things, a decade ago, might have been beyond your reach. Today as you leverage these tools on a more frequent basis, you can deliver output that previously you could not. The results you deliver through your new skill set become the new you.


Many individuals grapple with expressing their thoughts clearly, and AI-driven tools are instrumental in refining and clarifying their writing. Others use it to amplify their voice ensuring that their message comes across precisely as they intend. Leveraging AI in your communications doesn’t dilute your authenticity; it magnifies your capabilities and allows you to articulate with impact and effectiveness. You are what you do and the results you deliver help shape your forever evolving authentic self.

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