CEO vs CMO: Approaches to Brand Building on LinkedIn

CEO vs CMO: Approaches to Brand Building on LinkedIn

In the dynamic landscape of corporate branding, the roles of CEO and CMO are pivotal, each with distinctive approaches to brand building. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) are key players in shaping a company’s public image and brand strategy, especially on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. This report delves into their respective roles and how they converge and diverge in the realm of branding on LinkedIn.

The CEO’s Brand Building Approach

The CEO, as the strategic leader of the company, is responsible for setting the overall direction and ensuring the success of the organization. Their approach to brand building on LinkedIn is often characterized by thought leadership, company vision articulation, and engagement with broader industry issues. CEOs who prioritize marketing within their growth strategies can significantly impact the company’s performance. According to McKinsey, CEOs who place marketing at the core of their strategies are twice as likely to experience more than 5 percent annual growth (McKinsey).

The CEO’s presence on LinkedIn typically involves sharing insights on market trends, company achievements, and thought-provoking content that positions the company as a leader in its field. They are the face of the company’s ethos and values, and their personal brand is often seen as an extension of the corporate brand.

The CMO’s Brand Building Approach

The Chief Marketing Officer, on the other hand, is the architect of the company’s branding strategy. The role of the CMO involves driving marketing initiatives, brand development, and customer engagement. On LinkedIn, the CMO’s approach to brand building is more tactical and focused on the execution of marketing strategies. They utilize the platform to showcase the company’s products or services, share customer success stories, and engage with content that resonates with the target audience (Marstudio).

CMOs are also responsible for creating and maintaining a strong brand image, which includes the consistent use of visual elements, messaging, and content that aligns with the company’s brand guidelines. They are often the ones who initiate and participate in discussions related to marketing trends, advertising campaigns, and customer engagement strategies.

The Synergy between CEO and CMO on LinkedIn

For a brand to thrive on LinkedIn, the synergy between the CEO and CMO is crucial. Establishing a strong partnership between these two roles is built on clear communication and a shared vision for the company. The CEO’s endorsement of the CMO’s initiatives can amplify the brand’s message and foster trust among the LinkedIn community (LinkedIn).

The CEO should view the CMO not just as a functional leader but as a strategic partner in driving growth. This involves treating interactions with the CMO on par with other C-suite members and aligning on the company’s branding and marketing objectives. When CEOs and CMOs work together closely, they can create a cohesive brand narrative that resonates with both their existing and potential LinkedIn audience.


In conclusion, while the CEO and CMO have distinct roles in brand building on LinkedIn, their approaches are complementary. The CEO’s strategic and visionary content, combined with the CMO’s marketing acumen and tactical execution, creates a powerful brand presence on the platform. For companies to leverage LinkedIn effectively, the CEO’s leadership in promoting marketing as a central growth strategy, coupled with the CMO’s expertise in crafting compelling brand stories, is essential.

It is my opinion, based on the information provided, that the most successful branding strategies on LinkedIn are those that embody a harmonious CEO-CMO relationship, where both leaders are aligned in their objectives and collaborate to showcase the company’s strengths. This partnership not only enhances the brand’s credibility but also drives measurable growth, as evidenced by the McKinsey report.


– “Chief Brand Officer vs Marketing.” LinkedIn,

– “CEO vs CMO.” Marstudio,

– “Establishing Effective CEO-CMO Relationships.” LinkedIn,

– “Analyzing the CEO-CMO Relationship and Its Effect on Growth.” McKinsey,

– “CEO-CMO Alignment: Building Trust and Driving Growth.” LinkedIn,


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