Marketing Managers vs Content Marketers: Crafting the Perfect LinkedIn Strategy

Marketing Managers vs Content Marketers: Crafting the Perfect LinkedIn Strategy

In the dynamic world of LinkedIn marketing, both Marketing Managers and Content Marketers play pivotal roles in shaping a brand’s presence and driving engagement. As we approach the mid-year of 2024, the need for a refined LinkedIn strategy is more crucial than ever. This report delves into the strategic approaches that Marketing Managers and Content Marketers must adopt to leverage LinkedIn’s potential to its fullest.

The Evolving Landscape of LinkedIn

LinkedIn has long been recognized as a powerhouse for professional networking, and its evolution continues to offer new avenues for brands to grow and connect. With over 800 million members, the platform is an essential tool for B2B marketing and professional brand building (INSIDEA). Marketing Managers must understand that LinkedIn is not merely a space for executives but a platform bustling with diverse professionals seeking valuable content and connections.

Crafting a LinkedIn Strategy: The Marketing Manager’s Perspective

Marketing Managers are tasked with the overall brand strategy on LinkedIn. Their focus is to ensure that the company’s marketing goals align with the content and activities on the platform. In 2024, a Marketing Manager must:

1. **Understand the Audience**: Analyzing the target audience is the first step in crafting a strategy that resonates. This involves demographic research, understanding professional needs, and tailoring content to meet those needs.

2. **Optimize the Company Profile**: A LinkedIn Company Page must be a reflection of the brand’s identity. Optimizing the profile with updated information, rich media, and engaging content is key to attracting followers and potential leads.

3. **Focus on Relationship Building**: LinkedIn thrives on connections. Marketing Managers should prioritize building relationships over transactions, engaging with followers, and participating in relevant groups.

4. **Utilize Lead Gen Forms**: LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms are an effective tool for capturing leads directly within the platform, streamlining the process of converting profile visits into actionable leads (Databox).

5. **Set Clear Objectives**: Clear objectives help in creating a roadmap for success. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving website traffic, each objective must have corresponding metrics for measurement.

The Content Marketer’s Role in LinkedIn Strategy

Content Marketers, on the other hand, are the architects of engagement. They are responsible for creating and curating content that not only reaches the audience but also engages and adds value. In 2024, Content Marketers should:

1. **Balance Content Curation and Creation**: An effective LinkedIn content strategy requires a mix of curated and original content. Sharing industry insights alongside unique thought leadership can position the brand as an authority (INSIDEA).

2. **Leverage Visual Media**: Despite LinkedIn’s text-centric nature, incorporating images and other media can significantly enhance engagement, making content more appealing and digestible (Influencer Marketing Hub).

3. **Engage with the Community**: Creating content is just the beginning. Content Marketers must actively engage with comments, share relevant posts, and participate in discussions to foster a sense of community.

4. **Align Content with Objectives**: Every piece of content should serve a purpose. Whether it’s to inform, educate, or convert, aligning content with the brand’s objectives ensures that each post contributes to the overall goals.


As we consolidate the insights gleaned from various sources, it is evident that both Marketing Managers and Content Marketers have distinct yet complementary roles in crafting a LinkedIn strategy. While Marketing Managers focus on the broader picture and strategic alignment, Content Marketers delve into the nuances of content creation and community engagement.

To thrive on LinkedIn in 2024, brands must embrace a dual approach where strategic oversight and creative execution work in tandem. By combining the analytical prowess of Marketing Managers with the creative flair of Content Marketers, companies can create a LinkedIn presence that not only reaches but truly resonates with their audience.


– “Creating a LinkedIn Company Page: A Simplified Guide.” INSIDEA.

– Tihanyi, Jackie. “LinkedIn Marketing Strategies.” Databox.

– “Use Images and Other Media in Your Content.” Influencer Marketing Hub.

– “5 Best Practices For Mastering LinkedIn Content Creation.” INSIDEA.

– “LinkedIn Content Strategy for 2024.” Only Social.


Through streamlining the ideation, creation, and posting process, we empower you to maintain ongoing engagement with your audience, disseminate valuable thought leadership content, and exhibit your brand’s strengths, allowing you to concentrate on pivotal activities – advancing innovation, finalizing deals, and propelling your business towards success.” Read more

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