Golden Guidelines and Red Flags: CEO Do’s and Don’ts for LinkedIn

Golden Guidelines and Red Flags: CEO Do’s and Don’ts for LinkedIn


In the digital age, LinkedIn stands out as a premier professional networking platform. CEOs and corporate leaders are increasingly turning to LinkedIn to establish their presence, share insights, and connect with peers. However, navigating LinkedIn requires a strategic approach to enhance one’s professional brand without falling into pitfalls that could tarnish reputation. This report delves into the do’s and don’ts for CEOs on LinkedIn, drawing on recent insights from industry experts and leveraging the platform’s algorithm to a leader’s advantage.

LinkedIn Strategy for CEOs

Do: Understand the LinkedIn Algorithm

The LinkedIn algorithm has undergone numerous changes, with the latest update in June 2023 (Courtney Johnson). To maximize content exposure, CEOs must craft posts that engage their audience. Content that stimulates conversation and garners reactions will rank higher. Therefore, CEOs should focus on creating value-driven content that resonates with their network and prompts interaction.

Don’t: Use ‘Open to Work’ Feature

A former Google recruiter advises against using LinkedIn’s ‘Open to Work’ feature, suggesting it may convey desperation (CNBC). For a CEO, maintaining an image of stability and confidence is crucial. Instead of broadcasting availability, leaders should demonstrate their expertise and value through thought leadership and industry contributions.

Do: Maintain Professionalism

Professionalism is the cornerstone of a CEO’s reputation. Time management, effective communication, enthusiasm, assignment delivery, and appropriate attire are key elements of on-the-job professionalism that should also be reflected on LinkedIn (Glassdoor). CEOs should ensure their LinkedIn profiles and interactions exemplify these traits.

Don’t: Post Emotionally Charged Content

Emotional, upset, or angry posts are red flags that could cost job opportunities (CNBC). CEOs must exercise restraint and maintain a level-headed approach when engaging on LinkedIn. Posting content in the heat of the moment can lead to regrettable outcomes and damage a leader’s professional brand.

Do: Share Thought Leadership Content

CEOs should aim to become thought leaders by sharing insightful content. Crafting articles and posts that provide industry analysis, forecast trends, or offer unique perspectives can position a CEO as an authoritative voice in their field (Courtney Johnson).

Don’t: Ignore Social Media Etiquette

The books and guides that have influenced industry leaders often stress the importance of etiquette. On social media, and particularly LinkedIn, etiquette encompasses the way one connects with others, comments on posts, and shares content. CEOs should be mindful of their online behavior to maintain a professional image (CNBC).


LinkedIn offers a powerful platform for CEOs to build and maintain their professional brand. By understanding the algorithm, maintaining professionalism, sharing thought leadership, and adhering to social media etiquette, leaders can leverage LinkedIn effectively. Conversely, missteps such as using the ‘Open to Work’ feature inappropriately, posting emotionally charged content, or neglecting the nuances of online interaction can be detrimental. CEOs should navigate LinkedIn with strategic intent, ensuring that their digital presence aligns with their leadership persona and organizational goals.

Reference List

– “Never just click the ‘connect’ button on LinkedIn.” CNBC, 8 Nov. 2023,

– Johnson, Courtney. “The LinkedIn Algorithm Explained: How to Make It Work for You.” LinkedIn,

– “A Guide to Professionalism in the Workplace.” Glassdoor,

– Malinsky, Gili. “3 LinkedIn red flags that could cost you a job.” CNBC, 11 Sep. 2023,

– “This common trait is a red flag of a toxic boss, says ex-IBM CEO.” MSN,


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