The 15 secrets to a viral post

The Art and Science of Maximizing Your LinkedIn Post Reach

The Art and Science of Maximizing Your LinkedIn Post Reach

In the ever-evolving world of social media, understanding the intricate dynamics of platform algorithms is crucial to making the most of your online presence. LinkedIn, the professional networking giant, is no exception. With its ever-growing user base and influence in the business world, optimizing your LinkedIn posts is essential for achieving your goals. In this article, we’ll delve into a treasure trove of LinkedIn posting insights. Although nothing will trump a well written compelling piece, follow these tips with your open to work posts to navigate the intricacies of this platform for maximum reach and engagement.

Your post’s reach in the first eight hours depends on engagement in the first 90 minutes after publishing. Long-term growth relies on engagement between the first 90 minutes and eight hours.

Want to maximize reach? Do these:

  1. Spread the word. Sign into the Upfront community. The members are committed to engaging with your post in the first 90 minutes.

  2. ✅ Send your post to friends via text, whatapps, etc. with a message similar to “Hey! Could you please comment on my {open to work promotion} post for extra reach {add link}. Thanks in advance”

  3. Actively Engage. After publishing, engage with at least three posts from your network to enhance reach by +20%.

  4. Ask for comments. Comments hold greater weight over likes. Each comment you receive increases your post’s reach by 4% in your network and 3% in the commenter’s network.

  5. Comment on everyones comment. Respond to all comments within the first hour for a 20% growth boost. Leave comments like “Thanks for your support (@name)”

  6. ✅ Add 2 to 4 comments as the author after 24 hours to re-launch your post in the feed of all contributors, resulting in 25% extra growth.

  7. ✅ Incorporate selfies or personal images into personal posts to boost engagement up to threefold and increase reach by 2.5x.

  8. ✅ Aim for an ideal text post length of 1,150 to 1,550 characters for balanced content.

  9. ✅ Post at optimal times for maximum visibility:
    • Monday: 10 am – 1 pm
    • Tuesday: 8 am – 11 am
    • Wednesday: 9 am – 11 am
    • Thursday: 8 am – 11 am
    • Friday: 1 pm – 3 pm
    • Saturday: 10 am – 1 pm
    • Sunday: 1 pm – 3 pm

Actions to avoid

  1. ❌ Avoid posting a new LinkedIn post within 18 hours of your previous one to prevent a -15% decrease in post growth.
    • Posting two new posts within 18 hours of the previous one can negatively impact all three posts, resulting in a -30% reduction in growth.

  2. ❌ Avoid editing your post in the first 10 minutes to prevent a reach reduction of 10% – 40%.

  3. ❌ Refrain from commenting on your own post first, as it can reduce reach by 20%.

  4. ❌ Avoid posting the first comment on your own post.

  5. ❌ Avoid video posts and posts with external links, as they can significantly decrease your reach.

  6. ❌ Avoid long breaks. Consistency is key; creators posting at least twice a week should avoid long breaks, as the first 4-5 posts upon returning may receive about 30% less reach.

Final Note

In conclusion, mastering the art and science of LinkedIn posting can significantly impact your online presence and networking success. By adhering to these insights and guidelines, you can harness the full potential of this professional networking platform, maximizing your reach and engagement along the way. So, put your knowledge to the test and watch your LinkedIn presence flourish. Happy posting!

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